Natural Home Remedies for Receding Gums

The name receding gums by itself says that it occurs when the gum tissue around the teeth withdraws and the gums seem to recede backwards opening a larger area of the tooth surface more visible. When the gums recede that gives rise to gaps between the teeth and gum line. This makes it easy for bacteria to build up and survive there. If you do not contain receding gums, even the root of teeth may become exposed and thereafter cause pain making your teeth extremely sensitive. Furthermore, due to the damage caused to the supporting tissue and bone structures of your teeth, you may eventually lose teeth.

Symptoms of Receding Gums
Since the gum recession is very general dental problem, lots of the people suffering from it doesn’t seem to notice it timely because the process is very slow and it occurs gradually. However, if your tooth has become sensitive, you should check your receding gums because those are the very first signs of receding gums. When you feel your tooth or teeth appear to be larger than earlier, immediately start treating your tooth. You can list the symptoms of receding gums as follows:
– Tooth sensitivity
– Tooth appearing larger than usual
– Pain or tooth ache

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