Speed-Up Your Weight Loss with this Healthy Recipe

We Live in a Mad and Toxic World
Everything in the modern world is out to kill us: the pollution, greedy corporations that make processed food, cosmetic products that disrupt our hormone balance…
These toxins destroy our immune system and disable it from keeping us healthy, especially the fat that builds up in our body as we ingest it from processed food. Is there a way to protect our body and purify it from all the toxins?
Our body has a natural ability to heal itself, repair and detox, and all we do is blocking those functions with our everyday life habits. The results are obesity, fatigue, poor digestion, food intolerance, weakened immune system etc. Practically all of your troubles are a result of the toxins that we build up in our system.
With this article we want to give you guidance on how to speed-up your weight loss. The process is very simple and healthy.
Morning Lemon Elixir
As the name suggests, you have to start every morning with a freshly squeezed lemon juice. You have to consume the elixir before your breakfast in order to give your body a healthy jump-start.
– 1 cup lukewarm water
– 1 lemon (freshly squeezed juice)
– 1 teaspoon raw apple cider vinegar
– 1 teaspoon raw honey (you can use Stevia instead if you are on a low sugar diet)
– 1/2 inch of fresh ginger root or 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
If you have discomforts in your chest then don’t add the raw apple cider vinegar. It may be due to the releasing of unwanted toxins and bacteria. Anyway, continue to drink the elixir every morning for 3 days without the vinegar, and then try to introduce it again in very small amounts. If you still feel discomforts, then exclude the vinegar completely.
The Effects
The elixir will help your body stimulate digestion by increasing the digestive enzymes count. Your liver will start to release the toxins and all fat will be slowly flushed away. On top of that your body will receive minerals, potassium and vitamin C. You will be able to regulate your weight and blood sugar levels, plus your body will become more alkaline.
After several days a massive amount of phlegm will be released and you will feel less bloated because your stomach can digest your food better. The benefits are simply endless and all you have to do is just squeeze some lemons. Get rid of your toxins and start living healthier!
Source: www.curejoy.com

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